> Metal Findings & Components > Earring Findings > Leverback Earring Findings
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Plain Leverback - Surgical Steel Stainless Steel Leverback with Crystal Setting Plain Lever Back
Plain Leverback - Bright Silver
Starting Price: $6.00
Some quantities of this product are retail and subject to discount
Price is for 12 pieces (6 pair)
Also available in 36 (18 pair) & 72 (36 pair) amounts
Price listed is subject to discount

Price listed is for 12 pieces (6 pairs)
Some quantities of this product are retail and subject to discount
Price listed is for 12 pieces (6 pairs)
Also available in 36 pieces (18 pair) and 72 pieces (36 pairs)
Plain Lever Back Plain Lever Back Lever Back with Shell
Plain Leverback - Bright Gold
Starting Price: $6.00
Plain Leverback - Gunmetal
Starting Price: $6.00
Leverback with Shell - Antique copper
Starting Price: $7.00

Some quantities of this product are retail and subject to discount
Price listed is for 12 pieces (6 pairs)
Also available in 36 pieces (18 pair) and 72 pieces (36 pairs)
Some quantities of this product are retail and subject to discount
Price listed is for 12 pieces (6 pairs)
Also available in 36 pieces (18 pair) and 72 pieces (36 pairs)
Some quantities of this product are retail and subject to discount
Price listed is for 12 pieces (6 pair)
Also available in 36 pieces (18 pair) & 72 pieces (36 pairs)
Lever Back with Shell Lever Back with Shell Lever Back with Shell
Leverback with Shell - Gunmetal
Starting Price: $7.00
Some quantities of this product are retail and subject to discount
Price listed is for 12 pieces (6 pair)
Also available in 36 pieces (18 pair) & 72 pieces (36 pairs)
Some quantities of this product are retail and subject to discount
Price listed is for 12 pieces (6 pair)
Also available in 36 pieces (18 pair) & 72 pieces (36 pairs)
Some quantities of this product are retail and subject to discount
Price listed is for 12 pieces (6 pair)
Also available in 36 pieces (18 pair) & 72 pieces (36 pairs)