> Polymer Clay & Accessories > Clays > Fimo > Fimo- Discontinued
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Fimo Classic 2 oz. Fimo Effect & Soft 2 oz. - Discontinued Colors Fimo Soft 13 oz. - Discontinued Colors
Fimo Classic 2 oz.
List Price: $3.90
Starting Price: $1.00
Sale Price: $1.00
Savings: $2.90

Fimo Effect & Soft 2 oz. - Discontinued Colors
List Price: $4.20
Starting Price: $2.10
Sale Price: $2.10
Savings: $2.10


This product has been discontinued for several years. May be hard or crumbly and need conditioning for projects that require soft clay.
Available while supplies last

Available in several colors-Click picture to see color chart

No further discounts apply

These colors in this size have been discontinued and is older stock. Clay may be hard/crumbly and need conditioning if using for projects that require softer clay.

Price listed is discounted
No further discounts apply

These colors in this size have been discontinued and is older stock. Clay may be hard/crumbly and need conditioning if using for projects that require softer clay.