Beadalon is the only company in the industry that actually makes its own wire, strand, and cable for jewelry making and crafts. Other brands simply label or respool wire purchased from third party factories. Beadalon bead stringing wire is composed of tiny wires twisted together and nylon coated. The number of tiny wires, also known as strands, determines the flexibility of the wire. The larger the number of strands, the more flexible the wire will be. Therefore, 49 strand is more flexible than 19 strand, and 19 strand is more flexible than 7 strand. When choosing which type of wire to use, consider the amount of drape you want your design to have. 49 strand wire is very supple and will drape elegantly, giving your designs a thread-like appearance. 7 strand wire is not as flexible, but will hold its shape better. If you are new to bead stringing or unsure how much flexibility you require, we recommend starting with our middle grade, 19 strand wire.